First Baptist Church of Diana
First Baptist Church of DianaFirst Baptist Church of DianaFirst Baptist Church of DianaWe gather Sundays at 10:15am
We gather Sundays at 10:15am
Romans 1:16
In short, the gospel of Christ is the story of God's love for guilty sinners like us. All brokenness, pain, wickedness, and death in the world are due to human rebellion against God. But God showed His love for rebellious sinners by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to live and die as a representative for those who would trust and love Him. Through Jesus's righteous life and sacrificial death, God reconciled sinners to Himself, and that same Jesus who died was resurrected to everlasting life. Jesus has promised that all sinners who turn from their sin and trust in Him will join Him in enjoying the blessings and favor of God forevermore.
Expositional preaching happens when the point of the biblical text dictates and produces the point of the preached message. We believe the Bible is God's authoritative and inerrant word, so our weekly church gathering centers on Scripture, and this is especially true in the manner and content of our preaching ministry.
Church membership is defined by robust and intimate relationships. The Bible teaches Christians to depend upon one another in the context of a local church, and we understand our great need for one another in all sorts of ways. Our members commit to love one another, to do life together, and to play an active role in discipling one another. Learn more about Membership in a Baptist church and about our Membership Process by clicking the links.
Doctrine simply means set of beliefs or teaching. Christianity is essentially a doctrinal religion in the sense that there is a core set of beliefs upon which the whole Christian perspective and life are built. Quite simply we all believe something, but we aim to know why we believe what we do, and we also strive to align our beliefs with the Bible itself. Check out a 20-lesson introduction to Christian doctrine at Basic Christian Beliefs and see also our Confession of Faith.
Leadership is vital to any organization, and the local church places an especially high significance on who should lead and what leaders should do. Biblically, the leaders of the local church are pastors or elders. Elders shepherd the members of the church by teaching sound doctrine, by exemplifying godly character, and by providing oversight according to Christ's word.
9:00am - Life Groups (all ages)
10:15am - Lord's Day Church Gathering
5:00pm - Prayer & Praise Gathering on the Second Sunday each Month